Who We Are



My background in communication, sales, and most importantly, motherhood, led me to starting my own business back in 2019. My passion is being creative, whether it’s copywriting & graphics for work or DIY home projects. It’s my happy place!!

I know what it’s like working from home, trying to build a business from scratch while taking care of two toddlers. It’s utter chaos, right? I would not have been able to crush my goals and help women like you chase their dreams without sticking to a consistent strategy (and lots of coffee!!). I am also an enneagram 2 who thrives on helping others!

To me, social media & email marketing go together like bread & butter! You will build your biz faster and gain more visibility when networking both together. We offer a variety of marketing services but our main focus is always to help you create a relationship with your audience while also promoting your offers (without feeling sleazy).